Cover with a sheet of non-stick baking parchment. 用一张不粘烘焙仿羊皮纸包上。
Cover a baking sheet or tray with a sheet of non-stick baking parchment sprinkled liberally with caster sugar. 在烘培板或者烘焙盘上盖一片不粘的烘焙纸,均匀地撒上细白砂糖。
Place a can in the bottom and cover the hole with a sheet of plastic. 在洞穴底部放置一个罐子,用塑料布将洞穴覆盖。
Place the chicken breast on cutting board, with one sheet of plastic film under it, and cover it with another sheet. 将鸡胸肉放置在砧板上,上下各铺一张保鲜膜。
Capitalized terms not defined herein are defined on the Cover Sheet. 以下未定义的大写词语,已在封面页说明。
Typical applications are feeding panels to an Automatic Laminator or to a Cover Sheet Remover or stacking the panels after lamination. 典型的应用就是把板料输入到自动贴膜机或脱膜机或贴膜后储存板料。
When the drinker puts down or carries the cup, the iron rod in the jacket shell rolls using a slope on the bottom of the jacket shell, and the plastic cover sheet covers the cup naturally again. 当喝水者放下或端平杯子时,套壳内的铁棒利用套壳底部的斜面滚动,塑料盖片复又自然盖住杯子。
Drag to add a fax cover sheet that has text information spaces. 通过拖动可添加包含文本信息空白处的传真首页。
Cover with a sheet, as if by wrapping. 用床单覆盖,仿佛被裹起来一样。
The Cover Sheet of your Project Report should include full contact information and should include an authorship declaration. 你的报告的首页要包括所有的联系信息和写作申明。
If you add, change, or delete a cover sheet, any text you entered on the cover sheet will be removed. 如果您添加、更改或删除首页,则在首页上输入的任何文本都将被删除。
Our people can print the cover sheet with this. 人们可以用这种纸打印封皮。
The utility model uses lever principle, when a drinker inclines a cup, the iron rod in the plastic jacket shell rolls to open the plastic cover sheet, and the drinker can drink water. 它利用杠杆原理,当喝水者倾斜杯子的瞬间,塑料套壳内的铁棒滚动时打开塑料盖片,喝水者即可喝水。
Can I have a facsimile transmission cover sheet? 能给我一个传真发送护板吗?
A plastic sealing layer is arranged at the inner part of the sealing cover sheet. 在封口盖片的内部设有塑胶密封层。
We mainly produce first-rate sets, quilt cover, bed sheet, pillow cover, pillow, quilt, blanketry, mosquito net, hotel bedding, and so on. 主要生产含盖床上用品套件,各种散件被套、床单、枕套、枕芯、被芯、毛毯、蚊帐及家纺周边配套产品,酒店纺织配套产品等。
As you open the file, immediately on the left will be the Customer Account Profile cover sheet. 如果你翻看档案,立刻发现左边封面是客户大致介绍。
The collection consists of a set of five stamps, a souvenir sheet, a first day cover, the sheet and the cover, and an information brochure. 该套邮品包括一套五枚的邮票、小型张、首日封、小型张首日封以及资料单张。
To the right side of the file, are the cover sheet and the most current ongoing account sales call report log. 在文件夹的右边,是封面和大多数正在进行的、销售拜访报告日志。
Be sure to complete the to and subject fields on the cover sheet. 确认填写首页上的“收件人”和“主题”域。
The fax is blank. Type text in the main body of the message, attach a document to the fax, or choose a cover sheet. 传真为空。请在传真邮件正文中键入文字、向传真附加文档或选择一张首页。
Checklist or cover sheet is used to indicate every updated document to avoid missing or mis-ordered documents. 使用核查清单,清楚标明每份更新档,以免造成档丢失或次序混乱。
Fold plastic over; cover with a baking sheet. Weight with a heavy skillet. Refrigerate at least 4 hours. 用塑料薄膜包好,盖上一层烤盘。用一个重量大的炖锅压在上面,再放入冰箱中保存4个小时。
Cover yourself up with this sheet. 用这床被单把你自己裹住。
Existing problems of bearing cover configuration in sheet mills were analyzed. 针对轧机配瓦存在的问题,在探讨分析的基础上,阐述了改进方法,介绍了改进应用效果。
Analysis and improvement of bearing cover configuration in sheet mills 薄板轧机配瓦问题分析与改进
This paper presents the customized equipment suitable to screw "adjusting bolt module" in "cover sheet assembly ( preassembly)" for automobile assembling process. 介绍了一种自行研制的装配专机,适用于汽车“盖板总成(预装配)”中将“调整螺钉总成”拧进“盖板总成”的装配工序。
The treating schemes were included the followings: slotting across cracks, grouting under water, V-shaped slotting across cracks, caulking SR materials, pasting impervious SR cover sheet. 处理方案主要包括骑缝切槽、水下灌浆、骑缝切V形槽、嵌压SR止水材料、粘贴SR防渗盖片等。
First, the ITO electrodes on the ITO glass were prepared by photolithography, and the chip FFE was assembled by bonding with a cover glass sheet using a double tape as a spacer. 首先利用光刻方法在ITO玻璃上制作ITO电极,然后将其和玻璃盖片用双面胶粘合的方法制备了FFE芯片。